Outsourced IT Support – Embedded or Co-Managed

We offer Outsourced IT Support. This covers everything from a few hours a week to a fully embedded on-site presence. We can be the only provider or work in a co-managed arrangement with your internal IT Support.

This is intended for clients who are close to needing to employ their own internal IT person or may need additional skills or assistance for an existing in-house resource.

No recruitment costs or hassle / Holiday and Sickness Cover handled by our Team.

This works in conjunction with our normal IT Support options including our STAFF IT banked hour draw down system.

Outsourced IT Support
Co-Managed IT

What do we do?

We can provide you a suitable engineer at a time and duration to suit you. e.g. half day per week, half day per fortnight or 3 days per week.

Recruitment Help
If your requirement grows beyond what we can offer in a fully outsourced scenario, we can assist you with the specification, interviewing and testing of an Internal IT person.

Our pricing will depend largely on length of commitment and type of work. Contact Us for a tailored proposal.

Talk to us about an on-site engineer – it works really well and we can organise opportunity for you to talk to other clients who will happily provide references for this outsourced IT service.

Other support pricing

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